

A 家庭暴力 Protection Order is 被称为“50B””. A person who is experiencing domestic violence in a personal relationship can 应用 for a protective order under Chapter 50B of the statutes in North Carolina law. Our divorce lawyers in 皇冠足彩网 serve the Piedmont Triad 和 we are experienced in helping clients in matters relating to domestic violence.

In Guilford County domestic violence is a prevalent problem dealt with by family law attorneys.

1. 什么是保护家庭暴力令(50B)?

Any North Carolina resident has the right to file for a 家庭暴力 Protection Order, 被称为“50B”.” A 50B provides protection from someone you either have or have had a personal relationship with who does or has done any of the following to you or your minor child:

  • Attempts to cause bodily injury, or intentionally causing bodily injury; or
  • Places you or a family member in fear of imminent serious bodily injury; or
  • G .定义的持续骚扰.S. 14-277.3A, that rises to such a level as to inflict substantial emotional distress; or
  • 犯了G中定义的任何强奸或性犯罪.S. 14-27.2至G.S. 14-27.7.
2. How Can a 家庭暴力 Protection Order or “50B” Protect Me 和 my Immediate Family?

取决于你案子的事实, the court has the right to take the following action (50B-3 Relief):

  • Provide you with a temporary order for custody for any minor children that shall not exceed one year 和 order the alleged abuser to pay temporary child support 和 establish temporary visitation 和 prohibit overnight visitation;
  • Tell the police to remove the alleged abuser from the home 和 help you to return to your home;
  • 命令所谓的施虐者远离你家, 儿童学校, 你的工作地点, friend’s homes or any place where you may be using as shelter;
  • Order the alleged abuser to pay temporary spousal support;
  • Order the alleged abuser to turn over any firearms 和 prohibit the alleged abuser from purchasing a firearm;
  • 命令被控施虐者支付律师费;
  • Order the alleged abuser not to cruelly treat or abuse any animal owned, 拥有, kept or held as a pet by either party or by a minor child 和/or give you possession of your pet;
  • Order the alleged abuser to do what you ask in court if the judge agrees.
3. 如果我被诬告家庭暴力怎么办?

You need to vigorously defend yourself 和 take the claim against you very seriously, as well as provide the documentation 和 witnesses to support your innocence. 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 believes that a false accusation of domestic violence is a form of domestic abuse itself. Our 皇冠足彩网 divorce attorneys are experienced in helping clients in all family law matters.


  • Do not throw anything at or touch your ex (estranged) spouse for any reason. (攻击)
  • Do not go inside the residence of your ex (estranged) spouse, even if your name is on the deed 和 it used to be your home. (侵权)
  • Do not telephone your ex (estranged) spouse excessively or telephone the lover of your ex (estranged) spouse. (骚扰)
  • Do not follow, either in your vehicle or on foot, your ex (estranged) spouse. (跟踪)
  • Do not e-mail, write, or go to the place of business of your ex (estranged) spouse. (骚扰)
  • Do not block the path of your ex (estranged) spouse to a doorway or car. (非法监禁)
  • Do not use corporal punishment on your children or remove a child from the arms/care of your ex (estranged) spouse unless both parents clearly agree. (攻击、DSS)
  • Do not confront your ex (estranged) spouse concerning fault issues, 比如通奸, 酒精滥用, 药物滥用, 等. 让你的律师在法律程序中做这件事. (骚扰)
  • Do not use profanity either around or concerning your ex (estranged) spouse. (骚扰)
  • Do not threaten to kill your ex (estranged) spouse, EVEN JOKINGLY. (谋杀未遂)

伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 continues to st和 against any form of domestic violence 和 is an active business that annually supports Family Service of the Piedmont, 公司., Women’s Resource Center, 和 other organizations against domestic violence. Our experienced 皇冠足彩皇冠足彩 attorneys are knowledgeable experts.

I am very pleased with the way Taylor Clay approached my case. 她很友好,使我感到宾至如归. Most importantly, she made me feel at ease; I was able to tell her everything. Coming from a toxic relationship, I was normally afraid to express my opinion. 我已经变成了另外一个人. 该公司, 在一般情况下, was a place I enjoyed going to; everyone has been wonderful to me every time 和 made me feel welcome. Taylor kept me on track 和 maintained a focus in doing her job, 和 getting it done well. 我得到的比我想象的还要多. 我能说什么呢,她把我的案子处理得很好! T.S.