


DRC Memo to Mediators

In conference on January 23, 2020, 北卡罗莱纳州最高法院通过命令,修改了影响北卡罗莱纳州调解的七套规则. These Rules/Standards will become effective on March 1, 2020.

如欲查阅新通过的规则/标准,请浏览 Supreme Court’s webpage.

Below is a brief explanation about the changes.

MSC Rules:

Rule 2(d) (formerly Rule 2.E.)阐明调解员有权提交退出调解的通知, as well as being disqualified to conduct a mediation. Rule 4(a)(1)3 (formerly Rule 4.A(1)(A)(iii)允许某些当事人在调解和解会议上代表政府实体,只要该当事人具有代表该政府实体行事的特定权力. 本规则还包括对NCGS 159-28(a)的引用,通知调解员与政府机构达成的任何协议都可能受本法规的约束. The comment section under Rule 4 and Rule 6, 对这一概念进行了扩充,在规约中提供了额外的文字.

Rule 8(a)(2)a2 (formerly Rule 8.B(1)已被修改为使用北卡罗来纳州律师协会的门槛要求来确定州外律师申请人是否有资格获得调解员认证.

Rule 8(a)(4) (formerly Rule 8.E) has been modified to clarify what items are reportable on an Application for Certification; this changes encourages full and complete disclosure to staff and the Commission.

Rule 15(a) (formerly Rule 15.A)已被修改,扩大高级法院高级常驻法官的定义,包括高级法院特别法官, (商业法庭法官)和根据规则2被指派审理案件的任何法官.高等法院和地区法院一般实务规则第1条.

FFS Rules:

Rule 2(d) (formerly Rule 2.D)澄清调解员有权提出退出调解的通知, as well as being disqualified to conduct a mediation.

Rule 8(2)b1 (formerly Rule 8.第(2)条已被修改为使用北卡罗来纳州律师协会的门槛要求来确定州外律师申请人是否有资格获得调解员认证.

Rule 8(a)(7) (formerly Rule 8.F) has been modified to clarify what items are reportable on an Application for Certification; this changes encourages full and complete disclosure to staff and the Commission.

Standards of Conduct:

Standard 3 (formerly III) Confidentiality. 《皇冠足彩网》的修订扩大了调解员在特定情况下披露机密信息的能力;


• Being called to testify in a criminal action;



•能够与正在处理案件的律师交谈, post-mediation, where the mediation failed to settle, and all parties agree to communication;

• Seeking scheduling assistance from court officials or staff; and


• If the mediator concludes that, as a matter of safety, 调解后的和解会议需要在一个安全的地点举行, 调解员可以寻找一个地点进行调解,如法院. 调解员可以寻求法院官员或工作人员的协助,以确保会议场所. 调解员不得透露当事人的具体争议.

In making permitted disclosures under Standard 3, 调解员应尽一切努力保护调解中无投诉当事人或参与人的隐私, 不要对参与者发表个人意见, 避免披露当事人或当事人争议的具体情况.


Memo from the Dispute Resolution Commission

On Friday, March 13, 2020, 首席大法官比斯利宣布她将颁布命令, effective Monday, March 16, 2020, 载有紧急指令,要求所有高等法院和地区法院的诉讼程序排期或重新排期, for a date no sooner than 30 days, unless the proceeding can be conducted remotely. 周日,2020年3月15日,首席大法官比斯利和NCAOC主任麦金利·伍滕. 发布了一份备忘录,澄清所有“不能通过使用远程技术来完成的非必要的法院职能必须推迟。.非必要的法庭职能包括法院命令调解的和解会议.

Therefore, with the consent of all parties, 根据DRC方案进行的调解应远程举行. 如果各方不同意放弃亲自出席,会议将重新安排时间. MSC和FFS规则第4条规定,经各方同意,可以在不亲自出席的情况下进行调解.

如果你是一名律师,你的客户预定在4月12日前召开调解和解会议, 2020, 这件事的所有当事人都必须同意放弃实际出席, or the matter shall be rescheduled.

请不要犹豫,通过drcmediators@nccourts与DRC的工作人员联系.org or (919) 890-1415 with any questions or concerns.